5 Signs Your Lab Chiller Needs To Be Replaced

5 Signs Your Lab Chiller Needs To Be Replaced

Posted by USA Lab Equipment on Jan 27th 2022

Have you been operating your current lab chiller for several years? Maybe it’s starting to age and shows signs of wear and tear. But how do you know when it’s time to replace your lab chiller? Discover the five signs your lab chiller needs to be replaced.

Age of the Chiller

Repeated use, wear and tear, and lab conditions add up over time and can wear down your chiller. A chiller, just like any piece of lab equipment, has an average lifespan where it will operate at its best. Most lab chillers will last you around 15-25 years, though some can push 30 years with careful cleaning and maintenance. However, if your lab chiller is approaching the end of its lifespan and you notice any of the signs of wear and tear below, it may be time to replace your old model.

Constantly Needs Repairs

If you’ve noticed your lab chiller needing more repairs than normal, it may be time for a replacement. Maintenance costs can eat into a substantial portion of your business’s budget, which you want to avoid in the long term. With the wear and tear that comes with age, the motor and other components of your chiller can become worn and need replacing themselves. Without replacing these parts, your chiller may begin to fail or the system itself may become damaged. It’s important to keep up with repairs to maintain your equipment, but repeated repairs will take a toll on your budget.

Can’t Find Replacement Parts

If your laboratory chiller is approaching the end of its lifespan, it may be difficult to find replacement parts and accessories for it. This is especially problematic if your chiller is continuously needing repairs due to its age. Different chiller components will wear out over time, and older models will run into this issue of finding replacement parts. Some of these old parts simply aren’t made anymore, in favor of newer, more modern parts. This may force you to replace or upgrade your old lab chiller.

Noticing Dips in Productivity

A more subtle sign that your chiller needs replacing could be found in your workspace productivity. If you or your lab technicians are struggling to operate the lab chiller, your overall productivity could take a hit. Old models could be more difficult to operate over new, more advanced technologies as well. A replacement chiller could be just the thing your lab needs to boost efficiency and productivity.

Energy Bills Are Too High

Modern lab chillers are designed with energy-efficiency and costs in mind, so these models often come with the benefit of cheaper energy bills. Laboratory chillers with high efficiency have the potential to save your lab thousands of dollars in energy costs, which will quickly add up. In no time your new chiller will start to pay for itself in savings.

If your equipment is showing one or more of these five signs your lab chiller needs to be replaced, it’s time to invest in a new model. Check out our selection of recirculating chillers and more right here at USA Lab Equipment, where we can help supply the best equipment for your laboratory.