Common Misconceptions About CBD Oil

Common Misconceptions About CBD Oil

Dec 16th 2019

Common Misconceptions About CBD Oil

CBD oil has gained a lot of mainstream popularity in the past few years due to the many health benefits it offers. However, there are still a lot of people who do not know about this beneficial oil. Due to the wide variety of contrasting information people receive regarding CBD oil, many people remain confused about the benefits, impacts, and uses of the product. Plus, understanding CBD oil is even more difficult due to a range of perpetuated misconceptions. To clear up some of the confusion and mystique surrounding this cannabidiol, continue reading this article where we debunk some of the most common misconceptions about CBD oil.

CBD oil can cure major illnesses

The idea that CBD oil can cure major illnesses is perhaps the most dangerous current misconception regarding cannabidiol. While it is true CBD oil can offer many health benefits to those who use it, you should not use the product as an alternative to specialized medical treatment. CBD can help alleviate negative symptoms associated with a variety of different health issues such as pain, inflammation, or nausea. However, it is not a magical cure-all solution for treating the root cause of serious medical conditions.

CBD and hemp oil are the same product

Many people view hemp oil and CBD oil as interchangeable as both oils come from the hemp plant. However, the two products are distinctly different, and each offers a range of unique health impacts and uses. Many companies try to take advantage of this common misconception and market hemp oil as CBD oil. As such, it is important to read product labels thoroughly and purchase CBD oil from a trusted distributor to yield the specific benefits that cannabidiol offers.

CBD oil can make you high

Since CBD oil often contains quantities of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), many people believe using the product will cause them to experience a “high” effect. However, the quantity of THC in federally legal CBD oil is less than 0.3 percent. Such a minuscule quantity will not yield any psychoactive effects.

CBD oil is not safe for kids

Due to the previous misconception that CBD oil can provide a “high” effect, it is unsurprising that many people also assume the oil is not safe for children. However, cannabidiol is generally safe for people of all ages to enjoy. While there are minor side effects such as dry mouth, reduced appetite, and diarrhea, there is no evidence that CBD oil is unsafe for any specific age group. That said, you should always consult your doctor before trying any supplement, including CBD oil.

CBD oil is addictive

Those who view CBD oil as a type of drug may wrongfully assume that it has addictive qualities. However, using CBD oil in any form has not shown to have any addictive effects. In fact, individuals often take CBD oil as a means to minimize the addictive side effects of medications and other supplements.

CBD oil makes you drowsy

Many people believe that CBD oil makes you drowsy when, in reality, the oil is not a sedative. In fact, cannabidiol exhibits mild energizing effects that help people feel more focused and alert. The notion that CBD oil makes people feel drowsy is likely an inference made by those who are familiar with the oil’s ability to reduce insomnia. However, the oil’s ability to help facilitate a healthy sleep schedule is not due to any sedative properties. Instead, CBD oil’s ability to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety is what help people fall asleep easier and have more restful slumbers.

CBD oil does not work

Those who have tried using CBD and did not experience any significant positive impacts on their physical or mental health tend to perpetuate the notion that CBD oil does not work. However, the people who spread around this misconception are typically those who did not have any ailment to treat before taking CBD oil. For example, if someone took an over-the-counter pain killer but they were not in any pain, they likely would not experience any difference. The same result is true for people who take CBD oil to treat conditions that they do not currently have.

Small amounts of CBD oil are not effective

The idea that you must consume large quantities of CBD oil to experience any benefits is false. Taking excessive quantities of CBD oil, such as taking over 1,000 mg a day, can increase your risk of experiencing the minor side effects associated with oil. The ideal dosage of CBD oil someone should take will vary depending on several factors, such as body chemistry, weight, and the intensity of symptoms. Even taking small dosages proves to yield effective beneficial results.

All CBD oil works the same

The market for CBD oil is relatively new, so the industry has yet to develop strict quality regulations regarding extraction and production processes. As such, manufacturers do not create all CBD oil products equally. There are several low-quality or misleading CBD oil products filling the shelves of many shops. Distributors may label such products as CBD oil even though they used unsafe extraction processes or the product only contains a minuscule amount. To avoid purchasing a low-quality CBD oil that does not provide any substantial benefits, it is essential to do your research on products before making a purchase. You want to ensure that the manufacturer is trustworthy. In addition, you should thoroughly read through the ingredients list to make sure that you are purchasing a quality product. If the CBD oil you seek to buy does not include and ingredient list, it probably is not reliable.

USA Lab Equipment is a leading distributor of high-quality lab and extraction instruments. If you are interested in joining the rapidly growing CBD oil market, check out our stock of over 1,000 new and used lab equipment items. From short path kits to other equipment necessary for the distillation and extraction of CBD oil, we have what you need. For more information regarding our wide range of affordable equipment, contact us today.

Common Misconceptions About CBD Oil infographic