Common Lab Dangers and How to Avoid Them

Common Lab Dangers and How to Avoid Them

Dec 9th 2019

Common Lab Dangers and How to Avoid Them

Those who work in laboratories are often near hazardous substances daily. From flammable liquids to poisonous gases, danger lurks around every Bunsen burner and test tube in a laboratory. To stay safe while working in a lab, it’s important to know what you’re up against so you can take the proper measures to minimize risks. As such, we compiled a list of some of the most common lab dangers and how to avoid them to help you stay safe.

Exposure to airborne chemicals

If harmful chemicals get into the air, inhaling them can have a variety of negative health impacts. Depending on the chemical, inhalation can even result in death. Unfortunately, many chemicals have no scent which makes them extremely difficult to detect. As such, it’s essential to properly ventilate your laboratory. Always use a fume hood and install a multi-gas detector when dealing with hazardous chemicals.


Another common danger that is present in many laboratories is fire. Working with flammable materials or heating samples over a Bunsen burner can result in an accidental fire if you aren’t careful. To avoid receiving painful burns, make sure to carefully seal and contain all flammable substances. You should always remain attentive when utilizing equipment that involves heat.

Chemical spills

If hazardous chemicals come into direct contact with your skin, they can leave painful burns that may result in permanent scars, disfigurement, or even blindness. To reduce your risk of receiving chemical burns while working in a lab, wearing proper safety gear is essential. Safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, lab coats, and proper footwear provides a protective covering between your skin and the harmful chemicals you work with.

Shattering glassware

One of the most common laboratory injuries is cuts from broken glassware such as beakers, flasks, or test tubes. Exposing glassware to extreme temperature changes can cause them to expand and shatter. As such, it’s important to wear gloves and laboratory goggles to prevent any stray shards of glass from cutting your skin. There is also the possibility of knocking over or dropping glassware and breaking it. If glass breaks, make sure to clean it up immediately and as thoroughly as possible.

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